Pursuing Healing: Saying Yes to Jesus

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There’s a cost to pursuing healing. It requires saying yes to the one big thing: knowing Jesus and him crucified. If you’re ready to receive healing, be prepared to say yes.

We humans are always looking for more knowledge—as much as we can get. And why not? Knowledge improves our lives. We benefit from breakthroughs in health care. From technological breakthroughs. Humanity, collectively, learns so much more each and every day about ourselves and about this world and how it works—and things improve . . . sometimes.

But there’s always more to learn, more to know. And the truth is that knowledge in and of itself can never bring the healing you need. Pursuing healing means more than pursuing knowledge as the world defines it.

You and I, though—we have the benefit of knowing one special thing. And this one thing is far bigger and far more important than all other pieces of knowledge in the world put together—the pieces we know and even the ones we don’t yet know.

Two thousand years ago, the Apostle Paul wrote about it. He was an educated man. Paul too knew a lot of things. He knew a ton about the Torah and the Jewish laws. But in his first letter to the church in the ancient city of Corinth, Paul wrote about how he had decided to put aside all his other knowledge in order to focus on his one thing. One big thing.

He wrote that he was  “determined to be consumed with one topic—Jesus, the crucified Messiah.”

You know the very same “big thing” that Paul knew. So do it. And shouldn’t that make us different? Shouldn’t that have an impact on how we live our lives? Shouldn’t that big piece of knowledge result in a few big yeses in our lives, as it did in Paul’s? Maybe that big yes might be trusting the depths of Jesus love and, as you do, receiving the healing that comes from his Spirit.

If so, what are your big yeses going to be?

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