God’s Answer for Dealing With the World’s Distractions

A Force Deeper and Greater | Rush Podcast-74.png

The world’s distractions can easily pull us away from focusing on God. The busyness, the urgent decisions, the comparisons. We need to walk in God’s answer to the world’s distractions.

This world can feel like a maze—and we barely have enough time to find our way through each twist and turn. We think we’re doing the right things. Dealing with all the information coming at us; getting done the things we have to get done; making all the decisions that must be made. We try to make the right choices. We try to keep up. We try to get ahead.

We’re often in a hurry. Everything is urgent. Distraction is everywhere.

And we can forget what’s most important.

And that takes a toll. The pace and the stress. The comparison and the condemnation. Forgetting what’s most important takes a toll on our health, our relationships, and our souls. We begin to seek and devote time and energy to things that just aren’t very good for us—to things that take life, rather than give life to us.

“What you seek you will find,” Holy Spirit said. “What you desire will fuel greater desire.”

In this episode, Holy Spirit asks us some tough questions. And answering them just might be the most important thing we can do today.

What are you seeking, truly? What do you desire most, honestly?

Is the culture of the world directing and ordering your steps? Or is God’s truth and goodness and love pulling you toward Him, instead?

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