Adoration: the Key to Conversation With God

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When it comes to having a conversation with God, it should be a back-and-forth of adoration. God always adores us, and we were made to adore him in return. Do your prayer times reflect that?

A conversation with God necessarily involves adoration. Because everything God does He does in adoration. There is just no way around it. He adores us, and he reveals it through His Son, through Jesus’ leadership and sacrifice; through Holy Spirit, through his personal pursuit of relationship with us; through the beauty and majesty of creation; and through his presence and gift-giving. He adores us, and we are made to receive it—and then turn it around and give adoration right back to Him.

Remember Matthew chapter 22, adoration is the number one thing we’re made to do: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”But our prayer lives might not often sound like that kind of conversation—adoration back and forth. Holy Spirit, in this message, says, “You call me, Lord, I hear you. I hear the words. I see your mouth moving. I see your heart stirred. You want more—more of me, or, at least, you think you do. But if you’re honest—honest with what you think you really need, what you really want, it isn’t me, it’s rescue, it’s a way out, it’s wisdom, it’s direction, it’s provision, it’s a bandage on a wound.

Does that resonate? It sure does with us. And we really want that to change.

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