How to Love God and Love Yourself

How to Love God and Love Yourself | Rush Podcast-76.png

Until you’re willing to love yourself, you’ll always have a hard time loving God and receiving his love for you. If you feel alone and angry, this message is for you.

Jesus’ love for his bride, the church—for you and me, personally—is beyond anything that we can understand or imagine. Here on earth, we’ll never be able to fathom the full nature of it, the full depth and breadth of His love. In fact, our understanding of it will always be wrong. For no matter how good and how loving we imagine Him to be—He’ll always be better than that.

Jesus is always better than we think.

We get to see an aspect of God’s love in the tender verses of Song of Solomon, a book of the Bible that illustrates, through a man’s affections for his bride, God’s pursuit of us—the bride of Jesus Christ.“You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you,” says the groom in Song of Solomon to his bride.

God believes we are beautiful. We are His creation—made in love, made to be loved. We are the ones God wants. We are the ones He chose to be the focus of His love.

Out of all creation, out of everything in the universe, He chose us. And He is preparing us now, during our time on earth. He’s cleaned the slate—with the blood of Jesus. He’s made us beautiful because He loves us that much.

Are you having a hard time loving yourself?

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