How Jesus Can Set You Free From a Victim Mindset

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A victim mindset can wreak havoc on our lives. It’s a prison of our own minds where we are forever the victim of bad circumstances.

It is the belief that one’s identity is as a continual victim of bad circumstances, or of bad luck, or of bad genes, or of the bad behavior of other people. People who’ve adopted this mindset typically have been victimized and experienced trauma, on some level, at some point in the past, but they’ve also adopted an identity of victimhood—of helplessness, powerlessness, and resignation.

The victim mindset is insidious because once a person’s adopted it, it’s often difficult for them to recognize that they’ve done so. It’s what they truly believe about themselves and about the world—but they’ve also begun to enjoy the benefits. You see, because there’s always someone else, or something else, to blame for everything, the supposed victim gets to avoid all feelings of personal guilt and all sense of personal responsibility.

What people who’ve adopted the victim mindset don’t see is the harm it causes—the harm they’re doing to themselves and the harm they’re doing to others. Because this mindset stands in the way of personal growth and healing and transformation. Personal struggles, issues, and problems never get addressed—because they are always someone else’s fault—and so, they’re never overcome. And when, as a result, bitterness and hard-heartedness set in among people close to the supposed victim, those things are just more things the "victim" can point fingers at.But Jesus comes to set us free—all of us. He comes now to set us free from the prisons of our own making, the prisons of our own minds—if we want Him to.

He can free us from the victim mindset—if we are willing to do our parts.

Learn how to break free from that prison with Holy Spirit’s help.

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