Let God In to Heal Your Brokenness and Pain

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It’s hard to let God in with brokenness, pain, and fear in our lives—patterns of our old selves. Choose to let Holy Spirit into those areas so you can receive God’s love.

We have a choice, Holy Spirit says: “Let Me in, if you want; Keep Me out if you want. I will love you the same.”

Our old selves, the physical parts of us that Scripture calls our “weak flesh,” are what make it difficult for us to let God in, to receive His love.

These old selves, in their brokenness, are where fear and pain reside. And because of that, these old selves make demands on our lives. Strong demands—that we do something to soothe and medicate our pain; that we do something to deny and distract from our fear. And these demands are often strong enough, and distracting enough, to cause us to forget what is true. And so we  “do something” by turning, instead of to God, to things like anger, selfishness, materialism, workaholism, addiction, adultery, and all the rest.

But here’s what is true: amazing as it is, God offers us the opportunity for a close, personal relationship with Him—if we’re willing to look beyond the distractions. God, the Creator of heaven and earth; the Alpha and the Omega; the First and the Last; the Beginning and the End—that God—He chose us, personally, individually, to be the focus of His love. He loves us—despite all our bad choices.

He must be mad, I know. But he loves us. And actually, that was always His plan. In His love, He made us to be loved by Him. So, no matter what we’ve done, no matter our beliefs about ourselves, no matter our self-contempt, He will not be denied. He . . . loves us. And we can’t stop Him. But we can ignore or reject His love—those we can do. Because He won’t force it. He won’t push through the demands of our weak flesh and force us to receive His love.

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Coming Home: How to Receive God’s All-Consuming Love


How to Love God and Love Yourself