Access the Father’s Abundance With This Truth

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You can access the Father’s abundance right now. You don’t have to wait to be good enough. Did you know he has already given you every blessing through his Kingdom promises?

Accessing God’s kingdom involves a mindset of knowing that we don’t deserve it, and it doesn’t make sense—but we get it, nonetheless. God, in his outrageous love, made us—you and me—His heirs. Because we are His, we can access everything our Father has. So, all we need to do is just act like sons and daughters. We just need to live into our inheritance as beloved sons and daughters. We need to trust Him. Trust that He will come through for us. We need to relent and surrender into trust—knowing that are blessed, richly, now. Knowing that we are cared for, always. Knowing that we will continue to be blessed . . . in surprising ways and perfect timing.

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