When You Have Hard Days, Cling to This Hope

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We all have hard days. If you’re having one of those hard days right now, this message of hope is for you. Let Holy Spirit speak to your heart in the midst of your pain and struggles.

There is a heaviness in the world we cannot deny. Just look at the news. This heaviness is everywhere. And even if you decided to avoid the news, you can still feel the weight of it, just walking through your everyday life—hurt, injustice, your heart, along with all of creation, aching, longing.

Whether we recognize it or not, we are, each of us human beings, heavy with desperation, heavy with expectation . . . for Jesus. For His renewal. For His restoration and redemption of all things.

This ache we feel within ourselves, this longing we feel in our lives . . . is for Jesus to make all things new, finally.And it’s difficult . . . to wait.

Yet, Holy Spirit implores us to keep our heads up, to look to for hope despite our tough circumstances. For, He says, Jesus is here, now, and He is at work, already—and He will never stop. His renewing and restoring and redeeming will only increase and accelerate.

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