Holy Spirit’s Encouragement When You Feel Lonely at Christmas

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If you feel lonely at Christmas this year, you’re not alone. Holy Spirit has a word of encouragement for you that will give you a fresh view of Christmas and God’s deep love for you.

We need the encouragement of God’s love when we feel lonely at Christmas. Because He loves us, He knows that, despite this being a day of celebration, it is also a day that might be hard. Because life is hard. Because living in this world is rough. And right now, He wraps His arms around our shoulders, look us in the eyes, and invites us to to remember something He never wants us to forget: we are not alone. We are not alone. And we are going to be okay.

All the problems. All the pain. All the hurt. All the disappointment. All the betrayal. All the lies. All the anger. All the heartbreak. All the abuse. All the manipulation. All the disease. All the ways things weaken and break and fall apart. He is healing all of it. And He is loving―He is loving you.

He is loving you right now because He’s always loved you and always will. He is loving you because He can’t help it. And this love is what’s worth celebrating. This love is worth experiencing and celebrating despite the fact that there is so much still to be worked out in the world.

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