When Your Suffering Is Too Much, Cling to This Truth
Sometimes life can seem like it’s too much to bear. But when you allow Jesus to carry your heavy burden, you realize this simple truth: Your life is just beginning.
I am going to be honest. When I hear Holy Spirit, the voice of the Father penetrating the darkness of our world, saying He knows our pain, my heart gets heavy. It brings back all the pain I’ve endured. It reminds me of all the pain the people I love have endured. It reminds me of all the pain everywhere, all over the world today, right now, this very moment—and it’s almost too much to bear. Almost.
But it’s not too much to bear . . . for one reason.
Jesus came.
Our Father God knew that this life would be too much. Too much suffering. Too much turmoil. Too much conflict. And then death. But, you see, none of that is ever too much for Him. So, He sent his Son, Jesus, our Savior, Emmanuel, God with us, to rescue us from this too-much life. And to rescue us from death.
Here is Jesus himself:
“Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” That’s from Matthew chapter 11, verses 28 through 30.
Jesus refreshes our lives. Jesus can refresh anything. Anything. We simply need to join our lives with His. And then we find him “gentle, humble, easy to please.” He’s our refreshment in this life that twists us dry.
Any life withoutJesus is too much to bear. But life with Jesus isn’t. In fact, it’s glorious, better than we could ever imagine.
Do you want that? It is yours, if you want it.