What to Do When People Hurt Us

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When people hurt us, our gut reaction is often to shut everyone out. After all, vulnerability means we can get hurt again. But God doesn’t want you to close people off. Learn what he calls you to do instead.

Vulnerability can be terrifying, can’t it? The truth is, we’ve all experienced the pain of betrayal. No one gets out of this world without getting hurt. Learning to trust again can seem frightening, maybe even not worth the potential heartache. But community and vulnerability can pave the way for deep relationships, to feel known, seen, and safe.

The question is, how can we learn to trust others again when we have been hurt? How do we learn to open up? In this episode, we’re exploring Ephesians 4 and, through guided meditation, we’ll begin to show you how God wants us to proceed . . . even in the midst of fear and pain, He will be our protection.

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Trusting God as the True Champion of Our Hearts


How to Surrender Our Hearts to God in the Pain