Trusting God as the True Champion of Our Hearts

Surrendering Our Hearts | Rush Podcast-32.png

Soft hearts might get hurt, but they’re the perfect place for God to move. Let go of aggression and passivity. Learn how to let your guard down and trust God as the true Champion of your heart.

Have you ever wondered if Jesus was actually for you? Maybe you’ve been hurt and it just seems easier to go through life with a hardened heart, relying on sarcasm, aggression, or passivity to protect you. But when we learn to trust God, we no longer need these tactics of self-preservation to try to get what we want. What if we told you that it’s not all up to you? That it doesn’t have to be all up to you?

In this episode, we’re discussing how to surrender your heart to God. That may sound scary, it may even make you feel powerless. But the God who created the universe is all powerful. He wants to give you that power, to move through you, guiding you, protecting you . . . but He needs your heart to be soft, pliable, ready to rely on and listen to Him.

Are you ready?

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Daily Surrender: How to Walk the Road to Freedom


What to Do When People Hurt Us