What to Do When You Feel Alone in Your Struggles

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What do you do when you feel alone in your struggles? It’s tempting to wallow in that feeling of hardship and loneliness. But that’s when it’s most important to walk in God’s power and believe the truth.

Very often, we stop doing what we’re made to do. We stop looking for help from Jesus. We try to go it alone by coping alone. We isolate and look for escape. We deny and run and numb ourselves to the pain and fear—when what we’re meant to do is stand in them. What we’re meant to do, and made to do, is stand and face these trials, these obstacles—but not alone.

What percentage of your life, what percentage of your week this week, what percentage of today, will you spend with the mindset that you are alone in your struggles, in whatever you are facing? Take a moment, and be honest.

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