Are You Unwittingly Rejecting God’s Gifts and Provision?

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The Bible says you have everything you need to live a godly life. Everything! The only time we lack anything is when we reject God’s gifts and provision. Learn how to live deeper in the kingdom.

Our heavenly dad holds nothing back from us. He would never withhold His love or mercy or grace. He isn’t that kind of father. He sent His only begotten son to be tortured and to die a horrific death on a cross, so that we might live—so that we might live a life of fullness and beauty and adventure, forever. That’s the kind of father He is.

And He’ll never change. Because He doesn’t change, and He never will. His generosity will never wane. James, the brother of Jesus, wrote: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” That’s from James chapter 1, verse 17.

Do you believe this? That God cares for you and provides for you and always will?

Are you living like you believe it?

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