The Real Reason You Keep Lying and How to Stop
The easiest way Satan pulls you into lying is by getting you to doubt God’s goodness. He gets us to lie to others by leading us to believe that God lied to us! Find out how to stop this duplicitous trend.
We don’t need to lie. We are safe in God’s care. We are not at risk—not the way we always think we are. We don’t need to twist truth to protect ourselves. We can trust our Father. We can trust our King. We can trust our Friend.The root of our duplicity is something to consider. Think back to the choice Adam and Eve made in the Garden of Eden. The snake didn’t tell Eve to eat the fruit of the tree God told them not to eat. He simply made her doubt the Father’s goodness by first asking a question: “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’” That’s from Genesis chapter 3, verse 1.
What’s the question underneath the question? The question underneath is, are you sure you can trust God? Are you sure He’s good?