Bonus Episode: Receiving God’s Gifts: Why Your Unique Personality Matters
Holy Spirit wants to open your eyes to the beautiful gifts God has given you—from your unique personality to your quirks to your special talents.
When we hear God speak to us about gifts He has given us, it’s easy to be a bit skeptical. We might doubt that we have gifts at all—at least of any significance. We live in a world that ranks gifts based on wealth, social status, power. So it can be easy to look around and feel like what we have to offer isn’t much. But that’s not what God feels out about us. That’s not what God thinks.
Holy Spirit offers us a different perspective. Our unique personalities, our quirks, our ways of being in this world—these are our gifts. And they allow us to experience—and express—God’s love. They bring what He brings: hope to the trapped; healing to the hurting; direction to the lost; love to all He has created.
And these gifts also bring him glory. They point to him, to who God is, to his strength and his plans for good in the world. For the restoration of all things. Holy Spirit, in this message, said, “The key to experiencing [our gifts] is knowing my love. They only exist in my love.” When we know God’s love for us, we move in the world in a different way. We are free to be ourselves. And that being ourselves? That is the best gift we can ever give to the world.
Receiving God’s gifts is the unique way you give him glory and impact your world. Learn why your gifts matter.