Bring the Walls Down: How to Let Jesus Heal Your Broken Heart

Make Your Walls Come Down: the Secret to a Surrendered Life with God | Rush Podcast-45.png

We all have walls we’ve built in our lives to hide our true selves. But these defense mechanisms only push God away.

We hide from other people, hide from our true selves, hide from God. We’ve built bunkers over the years, as defenses for ourselves after we’ve made bad choices, or after we’ve had terrible things done to us. We convince ourselves it’s safe behind those walls. And years go by. And nothing changes—nothing except that we experience more isolation and more pain as we ignore our need for help, our desperation for healing, our desire for Jesus to shine His light where it feels so hopeless and sad and so dark.

You might be able to name your wall. You might know it well. You might be quite aware of how it feels to be protected by it—to be stuck behind it. It’s been the reality of your life for years now. But, Jesus is with you in your hiding place. Did you know that? He loves you and never leaves—no matter where you are. But He wants to show you the beautiful, broad territory of hope and peace and healing that exists outside the bunker you’ve built. There is so much more for you. There is so much more if you’ll let Jesus bring healing to the places in your heart you’ve never allowed Him to heal.

Learn how to let your guard down so Jesus can heal the broken places in your life.

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