Bonus Episode: Feel Desperate and Stuck? Listen to This Promise

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In this chaotic world, it’s easy to feel desperate and stuck. So what do we do? We try to trudge on alone, heads down. But God has promises for you when you’re in that difficult place. Will you let him speak to you?

It is so easy to get to the place where we are able to ignore and even doubt God’s presence with us. That he is right here, right now. But he is . . . right here . . . right now.

It is easy to narrow our focus to what’s right in front of us--to focus only our troubles, our obligations, the things we just have to get done today, this week, this year. Because of the circumstances of our lives, and because of our own choices, it’s easy to get to the place where we feel desperate and stuck and decide that the only answer is stubbornness and grit and trudging on alone.

But no matter where we are right now, we can be rescued. God shows us that no matter our circumstances, He will come for us. He promises that we can always go with him, deeper into relationship, deeper into possibilities, deeper into light and joy and peace.


Bonus Episode: How to Receive God’s Love When You Distrust His Presence


What Does It Really Mean to Love God?