Repentance: Finding Your Way Back to God After Sin

How to Find Your Way Back to God: Repentance | Rush Podcast-50.png

No matter how big the sin you committed, repentance is the key that leads you right back to God. His arms are open and ready. Learn how to walk in repentance that leads to life.

While the first step to healing is confession, it is only when we connect confession with repentance that we complete the process. This is when healing of our hearts begins.

Confession is making our sins known—to God, to spouses, to trusted friends. And repentance involves turning from those sins; turning our backs on our old selves, on the people who committed those sins—so we can change. Repentance is saying, we don’t want to be those people anymore. Repentance is turning toward God, and His way. It’s a declaration of a renewed willingness to continue becoming more and more like Jesus.

Confession is critical, but it’s only the first step. Repentance is the ultimate step.

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