How to Deal With Heartache and Grief as a Christian

When Your Heart Aches From Sorrow | Rush Podcast-90.png

The heartache of loss and grief can be too much to bear on our own. But when we meet with Jesus, we see he can bear our burdens. Discover the spiritual key to healing your grief.

When your heart aches from sorrow, love is still never a mistake. Even though it makes you feel vulnerable and fragile. Even though you aren’t sure how anymore—and when your heart breaks, you feel like you just might die too. In our suffering—from the loss of a loved one or the loss of love—what do we do with our pain? What do we do with our sorrow? How do we heal? How do we love again?

Listen to “How to Deal with Heartache and Grief as a Christian” and engage in Holy Spirit’s healing of your heart—the healing that only Jesus can bring.

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