Self-Forgetful Love: Loving Like Jesus Even When It’s Hard

The Reframing of Love | Rush Podcast-46.png

We all have people in our lives who are difficult to love. But through the Spirit of Jesus, you can walk in a self-forgetful love that is unconditional and pure.

In John chapter 13, Jesus gives us a commandment about that: to love each other as He does. He commands us to love just like He loves us and just as much as He loves us.Whoa, right? How’s that going? Well, in our lives, I’ve got to say, it’s not always going so well.

With our human hearts, so inclined toward self-preservation rather than sacrifice, Jesus’ commandment here seems like a downright impossible standard . . . until we remember that the Standard lives within us. He is right here in us. The Spirit of Jesus dwells inside each one of us.

So we don’t have to try to do this by ourselves. We don’t have to try to conjure love on our own. No, all we have to do is allow Him to love through us.

Who in your life has been difficult for you to love?

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