Handle Your Problems God’s Way: Ditching the Fix-It Mindset

The Best Way to Handle Problems | Rush Podcast-72.png

The world hails the fix-it mindset as the solution to every problem. But instead of worshiping “doing,” God wants us to worship him as the Problem Solver. Remember, you’re not alone in your problems.

The problem is when the fix-it mindset is our always go-to. And that’s a lot, isn’t it? We like to feel like we are in control.

And in our pride, we forget that we’re not alone. We are never meant to be alone. But we forget that, and we turn our eyes away from an amazing, loving, generous Father who never leaves our side, who loves to give us counsel and help in our time of need. And we carry on like orphans—thinking we have nowhere to turn, assuming that we are cut off from all support and help, concluding that it’s all up to us.

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