Step Into Your Authority in Jesus' Name
You have everything you need to make a difference in this world. You have authority in Jesus’ name to step into your calling. Learn how to identify what’s holding you back!
We are not powerless. Our Jesus stands with us, right now, a twinkle in his eyes, saying “Hey, what do you want to do today? What is on your heart? Can we go together? You and Me?”
He loves being with you. In Him, you have a best friend—one who knows your personality, loves your quirks, and thinks hanging out with you is the best way to spend a day. Together, as a unit, with the love of the Father and the power ofHoly Spirit, the two of you are unstoppable. All the authority and power you’ll ever need is given to you—authority and power to bless and to heal and to love, in the unique way you are made to. Nothing but your choices can hold you back.