How to Help Meet Needs Without Getting Overwhelmed

Serving the Desperate: How to Help the People Around You | Rush Podcast-2.png

Cries of desperate needs surround us, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by them. Learn how to help meet those needs and restore this world through Holy Spirit’s power.

Serving the desperate—helping the people around you who are in need—can feel overwhelming at times. It’s tempting to check out and become numb to it all. In addition to the people in need whom we know personally, we’re exposed to need all over the world. Every time we open social media apps and scroll through our news feeds we scan stories of deceit and exploitation, fires and floods, illness and hunger; murder and rape; homelessness and dislocation and war. So whom do we help? And how?

In this episode, we learn how God made us to engage, not to ignore or give up. He made us to step right into the chaos and to love—with Holy Spirit in us and Jesus leading the way. Learn how can we do our parts in restoring this world, without our hearts being overwhelmed.

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