Watch Your Loving Father Celebrate Over You

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Consecrate your imagination to God and see all of Heaven rejoice over your birth. Take a fresh look at how your loving Father celebrates over you every single day.

God says, “You are what I love most.” Do you believe that? Do you believe that, in love, He made you? Do you believe that He made you for love? Do you believe that He made you so He would have someone to love? Do you believe that He does indeed love you, despite your feelings, despite your past?

“You are what I love most,” He says.

He says He treasures the moment you were born. He says His love for you is so great, Heaven erupted in celebration at your birth.

And in this moment now, and in every moment when life feels hard, loving Father that He is, He says, “I have you. I have you. It’s all going to be okay.”

When you hear those words, how do you feel?

Can you picture the scene—the rejoicing at your birth, the angels exclaiming, the music playing, God dancing?

It’s a little difficult to imagine, isn’t it?

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