How God Gives Us New Hearts to Seek True Justice

Justice: How to Help People and Serve God | Rush Podcast-78.png

God has given us new hearts and called us out of passivity and into justice. With our new hearts, we can hurt with the hearts of those who are mistreated. Discover the joy and peace in working to meet the needs of others.

You are created for justice—to help people and to pursue justice with God. But how do we know whom to help? How do we not get overwhelmed, paralyzed by the depth of need in our community and in our world? Remember, God teaches us what is ours to do. He gives us new hearts, and our new hearts are made and empowered by Him to notice, to care, to move more for certain people and certain needs.

So we must begin to observe and listen to the movements of our hearts: how they feel, how they break, what they break for. In this episode, we consider the new hearts Jesus has given to us and how, when we meet the needs of people who are ours to help, we increase not only their peace and joy, but ours too. Listen to this episode on justice: how to help people and pursue justice with God.

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