What’s Robbing You of Hope? Exposing the Trap of Despair

How to Regain Lost Hope | Rush Podcast-86.png

The enemy loves to use despair and discouragement to rob you of hope and make you think things will never change. But he’s a liar. Learn to break agreement with despair and reclaim your hope.

How do we regain lost hope when life feels like a battleground? One of the tactics of our enemy is to steal our hope. When life gets hard, he whispers, there is no hope. He says it again and again, so many times that we finally relent and agree. But our agreements with the enemy, agreements against hope, toward despair—they are traps. They slow us down, they prolong sin and drag out hurt—and they are designed to.

In this episode, we name and break these agreements we’ve made with the enemy. We work with Jesus and get our life back.

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