Processing Your Emotions When Your Heart Is Broken

How to Embrace Your Emotions | Rush Podcast-71.png

When our hearts are broken, we can easily feel ashamed of our emotions. But we need to let God work in his way, and part of that includes us learning to process our emotions.

Do you ever feel like it’s not okay to feel what you’re feeling? Stress, sorrow, anger, depression, heartbreak? We have a tendency to want to fix what is “broken,” to stop feeling our emotions and simply shut down or toughen up. But God made us AND our emotions . . . perhaps it’s okay to feel what we feel.

In this episode, we’re exploring how to process our emotions in a healthy way, with the help of our Savior. We have the opportunity to let Him work through our emotions if we are willing to open up to Him. We don’t have to try to repair our broken hearts or broken lives on our own anymore.

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How to Surrender Our Hearts to God in the Pain


Receiving God’s Courage to Forgive