Trusting the Potter’s Loving Plan for Your Life

God's Renewal Through Desire and Dreams | Rush Podcast-91.png

You have dreams and desires but don’t know how they will play out in your life. But the Potter does. Your Father, your loving Potter, has a loving plan for you. Will you trust him?

God is in the business of renewal—renewing your heart and mind. And the desires and dreams of your heart echo his original plan for your life. He wants your life to be glorious, victorious, shining bright with His light as His love fills you again and again. Do you want this too?

Listen to “Trusting the Potter’s Loving Plan for Your Life” for your faith to be encouraged. There is so much more for you in this life, more than what your eyes can see. And God sees it now. In this episode we explore what it is our Father sees, and how one’s life changes when we trust it.  

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