Defeating the Trap of Comparison in Our Lives

Do You Measure UP? Stop Comparing Yourself To Others | Rush Podcast-104.png

When we fall into the trap of comparison, we jump onto an exhausting treadmill and forget how perfectly made we are. Join us in inviting God into the raw, vulnerable places of our lives where we think, “I’m not enough.”

Let’s face it, we are constantly comparing ourselves to one another. We compare everything—looks, career, houses, finances, possessions, talent, all to determine our worth. Inevitably, we all will fall short at some point. And then what? Will we allow these comparisons to steal our joy? Our worth? Our identities?

In this episode, we pause to invite God into all the places we feel we don’t measure up. We begin to ask God how to stop our comparisons so we can begin living content and free in who He made each of us to be.

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